by Dr Jay Lu
In this mini blog, we would like to highlight one of the most exciting applications in optical mapping: Cardiac Regeneration. Due to a shortage of organ donors and the limited retention of cellular therapies, cardiac engineering has created a process to generate functional cardiac tissues. Cardiac regeneration provides an alternative to the reparation of damaged heart tissue and restores cardiac function (1,2). One of which, cardiac patches appear to hold a huge potential to repair damaged heart tissue and restore cardiac function.
Cardiovascular disease is often associated with myocardial infarction (MI), a prominent factor of morbidity and mortality worldwide (3). The heart is composed of dynamic and multicellular tissues that exhibit specific structural and functional characteristics. The cardiac muscle in an adult lacks the capabilities of self-repair and regeneration after MI. After the anguish of irreversible cardiac muscle death, the cardiomyocyte (CM) will gradually become replaced by fibrotic scar tissue (4). Fibrotic scar tissue is different from the rest of the heart as it does not contract or pump and does not contain new heart muscle cells. Therefore, the loss of contractile capacity leads to the dysfunction of the heart and eventually causes heart failure (5). Thus, why we still face challenges in exploring novel therapeutic methods for myocardium regeneration.
Within the past decade, there have been tremendous advances in biomaterial and tissue engineering. The bioengineered cardiac patch shows promising potential for the restoration of cardiac function (6). The cardiac patch provides seeded cells with additional thickness and rigidity. It works by attaching to the epicardial surface of the myocardium to optimize cell retention and engraftment. Hence, providing transplanted cells with a microenvironment for new tissue growth.
Human pluripotent stem cells provide important cell sources for cardiac patches due to their self-renewal capacity and ability to generate any cell type in the human body. These cells develop paracrine factors for heart repair, including growth, antifibrotic, and antiapoptotic (7). Emerging preclinical studies have been reported effective in improving myocardial remodeling (8-11).
How can Optical Mapping improve Cardiac Regeneration?
In our previous blog post, we discussed how arrhythmia is one of the main areas for optical mapping and how it can decipher complex patterns of cardiac excitation propagation. Arrhythmias are strongly related to MI, which results from abnormal conduction through the area of infarct with re-entrant circuits or from direct interruption of the conduction system.
Optical mapping grasps high-speed, fluorescent-based imaging to measure electrical properties such as membrane potential (Vm) and intracellular calcium transients (CaT). Therefore, providing multicellular cardiac formulations at high spatiotemporal resolution. The ability to map all phases of electrical activity on cardiac patched epicardial surfaces allows researchers to determine the therapeutic efficacy of the cardiac patch with more physiological sophistication and clinical relevance.
A good example:
Below is a recent dataset of the cardiac patch experiments imaged by an optical mapping system. The membrane potential in the MI group shows rough, discontinued conduction while compared to Sham (the control). However, the cardiac patch in the treated group shows smooth membrane potential by initiation and conduction, suggesting the cardiac function has become restored by the cardiac patch treatment.
Preliminary data: courtesy of Kaifeng Key Laboratory of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Henan, China
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